How to Be Alone by Tanya Davis
How to Be Alone by Tanya Davis

How to Be Alone by Tanya Davis How to Be Alone by Tanya Davis

She tours regularly as a performance poet, musician and public speaker and was the 2011/12 Halifax Poet Laureate. Her videopoem, How to be Alone – a collaboration with filmmaker Andrea Dorfman – has had more than 6 million hits on youtube, attracting international media and blogger attention, a publishing deal with Harper Collins, and new fans the world over. With 3 albums, two books, numerous collaborations, and countless performances, she has stepped across genre and back again, forging new ground in the realm of creative possibility. Since bursting onto the Halifax music and arts scene in 2006, Tanya has garnered praise from industry, audience, and peers alike, all the while building an impressive and eclectic resume of artistic work and accomplishments. So, too, candid performer, vulnerable before you, whatever stage she’s on.

How to Be Alone by Tanya Davis