How we ought to receive Inspirations 72ĬONTAINING CERTAIN COUNSELS CONCERNING THE PRACTICE OF THE VIRTUES How we ought to hear and read the Word of God 71 Of the Holy Eucharist, and how we ought to take part in it 68 Of Aspirations, Ejaculatory Prayers, and Good Thoughts 63 Of the Evening Exercise and Examination of Conscience 59 Of the Dryness which is sometimes experienced in Meditation 56

Certain profitable counsels on the subject of Meditation 54

Of the Conclusion, and Spiritual Nosegay 53 Of Affections and Resolutions : the third part of the Meditation 52 Of the Considerations, which form the second part of the Meditation 51 Of the third point of Preparation, the Proposition of the Mystery 50 Of the Invocation, the second point of the Preparation 49 And first, of the Presence of God, the first point of the Preparation 47 That we must purge ourselves from Evil Inclinations 43ĬONTAINING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ELEVATING THE SOUL TO GOD BY PRAYER AND THE SACRAMENTS That we ought to purify ourselves from Affections to things useless and dangerous 41 That we must purify ourselves from the Affection to Venial Sins 39 A formal Protestation for fixing in the Soul a firm Resolution to serve God 36 Tenth Meditation - By way of Election and choice which the Soul makes of a Devout Life 33 Ninth Meditation - On the Election and Choice of Heaven 31 Third Meditation - On the Benefits of God 20 Second Meditation - On the End for which we were Created 18 Of the Means to make this Second Purgation 15 Of the Second Purgation, which is that of the Affection to Sin 13 Of the First Purgation, which is that of Mortal Sin 12 ia That we must begin with the Purifying of the Soul 10 Of the necessity of a Guide for entering upon and making progress in Devotion 8 That Devotion is suitable to all sorts of Vocations and Professions 6 Francis of Sales vĬONTAINING THE COUNSELS AND EXERCISES NECESSARY FOR CONDUCTING THE SOUL FROM ITS FIRST DESIRE FOR THE DEVOUT LIFE TO A FULL RESOLUTION TO EMBRACE IT