The book is deeply influenced by confessional Lutheran theology and piety. Senkbeil displays a warm pastoral sensitivity, a remarkable ability to describe healthy pastoral ministry along with an unguarded openness about the challenges that he has faced in both life and ministry. The pastor is primarily a "curate," seeking to offer the words that confront the guilty, forgive the penitent, and comfort the grieving. The centerpiece of pastoral work, for Senkbeil, is care of souls, particularly comforting anxious consciences. Noted for his work on sanctification, according to which he advocated that the Christian life is best seen not as growth in quantifiable perfection but instead growth as daily dying and raising in Christ, Senkbeil in this volume addresses the scope of pastoral ministry.

Professor Emeritus at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Senkbeil taught pastoral theology for many years.